Executive produced by (ÁÖ) ÀÎÇ÷¡´Ö
Song produced by ÀªÄÛ½º (Wilcox)
Written by ÀªÄÛ½º (Wilcox)
Composed by ÀªÄÛ½º (Wilcox), Å×Æ®¸®¼Û
Arranged by Å×Æ®¸®¼Û
Main vocal by ÀªÄÛ½º (Wilcox)
Background vocal by ÀªÄÛ½º (Wilcox)
Guitar by ÀÓ´ë¿î
Electric Piano, Acoustic Piano, Strings, Synth, Bass, and Drum by Å×Æ®¸®¼Û
Recorded and Mixed by Å×Æ®¸®¼Û at Inplanet Studio
Mastering by °½ÂÈñ at Sonic korea
A&R Director ¿°Á¤ºÀ
A&R °¿¬Á¤
Photography by yonzon
Video by Josee Cho, yonzon
Promotion by Á¶¼ºÇö
Publishing/Distribution management by ¹Ú¹è°Ç